Properties files mode # This is a properties file a.key = A value another.key = ! Exclamation mark as comment but.not=Within ! A value # indeed # Spaces at the beginning of a line spaces.before.key=value backslash=Used for multi\ line entries,\ that's convenient. # Unicode sequences unicode.key=This is \u0020 Unicode no.multiline=here # Colons colons : can be used too # Spaces spaces\ in\ keys=Not very common... x # This is a properties filea.key = A valueanother.key =! Exclamation mark as commentbut.not=Within ! A value # indeed # Spaces at the beginning of a line spaces.before.key=valuebackslash=Used for multi\ line entries,\ that's convenient.# Unicode sequencesunicode.key=This is \u0020 Unicodeno.multiline=here# Colonscolons : can be used too# Spacesspaces\ in\ keys=Not very common... MIME types defined: text/x-properties, text/x-ini.